Monday, 9 December 2013

How to cure a cold or Flu in a couple of hours.

 Natural remedy for the general Cold or Flu

We know it and we all hate it. Mainly in the colder time of the year every second person walks around with a red nose, sniffing, snotting and a tired and exhausted expression on their face that tells you „I need to go to bed“.

The cold has struck again.

I am a person that gets an average of 2 colds per year, no matter what temperature it is outside, and like everyone I absolutely hate it.

Although I get it every year I notice it coming in advance, for me the symptoms are always the same and always come in the same order.

It starts of with slight scratchy feeling in the back of my throat which could easily be mistake for just a sore throat.

The night of that day is the worst one because the scratchy feeling gets worse and does not let you sleep as you keep have to swallow after each second breath.

The second day the scratching is very strong and is starting to add a little cough. At this time these two bastards call in for more symptoms like headache, a overall cold feeling and a general weakness.

Now the Cold has landed and is here to stay for at least 3 to 5 days. After day 3 the scratchy feeling has normally gone but has been replaced by a heavy cough, lots of snot and you simply feel shit.

Ideally we would all stay in bed drink a hot cup of tea with lemon and wait for our immune system to take care of the junk yard which our body has become.

If you are unlucky (like I used to be) you can not afford to stay in bed all day, which means you pump yourself up with tons of chemicals from your drug dealer/pharmacy.

Of course it seems to be the easiest solution right?

You Feel shit but you don't notice it any more right?

NO! Wrong!

I have now found the ultimate cure and prevention that will literally kill any Flu or cold within a couple of hours.

For the maximum efficiency of this method it is ideal to notice the cold coming as soon as possible or when cold time begins to take the necessary steps to prevent the cold from coming at all.

So here is the step by step Flu destruction method of the 21st century.

Day 1:

The cold is starting its attack. You start to notice a scratching feeling in the back of your throat.
This is the area where the bacteria is spreading the fastest on your „palate“ and your „Tonsils“ (fig. 1)
Fig. 1

(Now normally your Tonsils are essential for fighting this kind of infection. The bad news is I must have been one of the last people that had their Tonsils take out, after it was recommended by a doctor to my parents. Thanks Doc.)

Now if you think you might as well disinfect your throat with a strong scotch whiskey and a hot chamomile tea, you think like I used to. The only thing is it doesn't reach the bacteria Hive on top of your palate.

So if we can not reach it through our mouth we have to either attack the cold internally (through our blood stream) or we go another way.

Now if you look at the picture again you will quickly notice, when I had tried this method for fighting the scratchy feeling in my throat, for the first time, I was thinking of another way to reach the top of the „Palate“ which is through the Nose.

I can tell you it is not necessarily a very pleasant feeling at the start but I would rather have that than feeling shit for the rest of the week.

Now the question that you must be thinking is „what are you planning on putting up your nose“? me the answer was quite easy. It must be a disinfectant and pathogen killer that absolutely eradicates anything that is attacking your system without creating damage to your nostrils.

The ultimate solutions was AMS theActivated Mineral Solution which we always have in our cupboard.

Now I have known this solution for many years and know how extremely powerful it is. Not only do people claim that they have healed all sorts of officially „UN-cureable“ diseases with it, but I for myself have had some amazing results with it. Although the general cold has always been the most difficult one.

Just quick, AMSis a two components mineral solution which release Chlorine Dioxide(the most powerful pathogen killer know to man)

So what I did is, I prepared a 3 drop solution in a small 60ml bottle. I waited the 30 seconds to let it activate and filled up the bottle with drinking water.

I gave it a nice swirl and slowly poured the solution down my right nostril. Again this is not necessarily pleasant but I desperately wanted to kill the cold before it dispersed throughout my body. I felt the activated AMS solution flowing down my nostril along the „inferior turbinate“ (fig 1). Whilst leaning my head back and having the mouth open to breath calmly, the solution went right down until I could feel it in the back of my mouth.

IMPORTANT: This is when you stop it and pull it into your mouth to spit it out or swallow it. You have to be careful other wise it runs into you airway and you choke.

As the solution had reached my mouth I spat it out and leaned my head forward to let the rest flow out of my nose again. 
Tip: If you tilt your head to one side when leaning your head forward the solution runs out the other nostril and that saves you doing the same procedure again for the other nostril.

Once the solution flew out of the nose I remain in that position for about 30 seconds and keep breathing through the mouth to let the solution kill all the bacteria, before snotting it out again.

After about two or three hours the scratching had gone completely and I could breathe through my nose better than ever before.

Now remember if you do this as soon as you can after feeling the scratch in your throat you can stop it that fast. If you let it continue until the next days it will take up to 2 days for the cold to be completely gone.
Now when I say completely gone I mean you feel as if you never ever had a cold, not like many people say „ yeah I got over my cold in 3 days as well“ while they snot into a tissue and cough.

If you have waited too long to do the nose wash I recommend additional steps that really help you get rid of the cold in no time.

First: If after 3 to 4 hours the scratchy feeling is still there repeat it. If it is really bad you might want to increase the AMS solution to 5 drops.

Second: Take Vitamin C! Now before you go and buy oranges, you need to take lots and lots of Vitamin C so it is wise to always have pure Vitamin C in powder form at home. You can use tablets as well but there are always additional substances included which do you no good.

Third: Drink shit lots of water. In school we are taught to drink a minimum of 2 litres a day. When I say drink shit lots, I mean like 4 or 5 litres! If you have trouble drinking so much, just keep a big bottle always beside you and whenever your thoughts drift off, drink!
A straw also helps to drink more. Just imagine it is beer then you will down it in no time.

Fourth: Hot water. Drink a hot tea and or hot water and drink it as long as it is still hot. Now Don't burn yourself but don't wait for the water to cool off before drinking it. Hot water is great for detoxification.

Five: Eat apples or drink Apple juice. Apples are also fantastic in helping the body transporting waste out of your system.

Six: Stop anything that support a infection this means:
  • no sugar (sugary drinks, in coffee, in tea, sweats etc.)
  • no Coffee ( I know this sounds hard but coffee is very acidic and that is poison for your system when you are fighting an intruder)
  • no Smoking ( now I have seen plenty of idiots that smoke and keep smoking when having a cold, seriously how stupid must one be to smoke when having a cold)

Seven: Plenty of rest. Make sure you rest and sleep enough, apart from the 8 hours you need every night try and fit in a 20 minute power nap during the day. Ideally after taking your Vitamin C.

The second time I had tried this method I had frozen my ass off outside a Café because the inside was full and I had forgotten my jacket. I came home feeling absolutely shit with a scratchy feeling in my throat, weakness in my bones and also a pain in my back. I kept to the rules above did my Nose flush with 5 drops of activated AMS, took a spoon full of Vitamin C and had a 20 Minute Nap.
When I got up I felt like reborn. I was able to go out that night and had a great time with some friends not having to stay in bed.
So you see this is a absolute cold and flu killer. If always applied correctly and early enough you will never ever suffer from a cold again.

Obviously I can only talk for myself and from my own personal experience, but I am sure that a lot of people can relate to the symptoms that I described above and therefore the Method will work fine as well.

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